PHP Operators and their usage with example code

PHP Operators

PHP operators are used to working on PHP variables & values and helps to get desire output.

PHP Operators are mainly a specific type of symbol that instructs the PHP to perform a particular operation.
e.g The add (+) symbol is an operator that informs PHP to add two or more variables or values, while the minus (-) symbol is an operator that informs PHP to subtract two or more values.

PHP has put the operators in the following categories:

  1. Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, **, %)
  2. String operators (.,.=)
  3. Assignment operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=)
  4. Logical operators or relational operators (and, or, xor, &&, ||, !)
  5. Comparison operators (==, ===, !=, <>, !==, >, <, >=, <=, <=>)
  6. Conditional assignment operators (?:, ??)
  7. Spaceship Operators (Introduced in PHP 7) (<=>)
  8. Array operators (+, ==, ===, !=, <>, !==)
  9. Increment/Decrement operators (++$variable, $variable++, –$variable, $variable–)

(1) Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, **, %)

To understand the use of arithmetic operators try the below example. Copy and paste the below-given PHP code in your PHP file and put it in your PHP Server’s document root and open it on the browser.

<?php //(1)Arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, **, %) 

$number1 = 10;
$number2 = 20;

// Plus(+) Operator
echo "Output of plus(+) operator : ";
echo $number1+$number2; // output : 30
echo "<br>"; // for new line or line break

// Substraction(Minus) operator
echo "Output of Minus(-) operator : ";
echo $number2-$number1; // output : 10
echo "<br>"; // for new line or line break

// Multiplication(*) operator
echo "Output of Multiplication(*) operator : ";
echo $number1*$number2; // output : 200
echo "<br>"; // for new line or line break

// Division(/) Operator
echo "Output of Division(/) operator : ";
echo $number2/$number1; // output : 2
echo "<br>"; // for new line or line break

// Exponentiation(**) operator
$number3 = 3;
$number4 = 4;

echo "Output of Exponentiation(**) operator : ";
echo $number3**$number4; // output : 81
echo "<br>"; // for new line or line break

// Modulus(%) operator
echo "Output of Modulus(%) operator : ";
echo $number4%$number3; // output : 1
echo "<br>"; // for new line or line break

The output of the above code:

output of arithmetic operators example code
The output of all the above codes will be like this.


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